Service architecture
This slice represents the MVP architecture in the dynamics of the interaction of these elements, while the primary static model looks as follows:
To briefly explain. Today, the advertising industry has a number of standard interactions and elements that perform unified functions, such as DMP, SSP, advertising exchange, etc. At the same time, decentralized and distributed systems also have similar elements that have different characteristics due to physical, networking and other properties of these systems, in particular: TPS, data sharding, temporary storage without tokenization, etc.
Therefore, the primary objective of the Veezy architecture is to solve the advertising market problems identified earlier by mapping elements of classical architecture and Web 3.0.
In particular, the following case will be offered as an MVP: An NFT entity (wearable gadget, outer "clothing", etc.) will be chosen in one of the protomemesnes, which, through linking with Veezy, will be able to identify full tracking: when and by whom this "thing" (hereinafter referred to as a virtual thing) was worn, with whom the interaction took place, who could see it in the active/passive avatar mode, etc. This part will not be created on decentralised systems during the MVP period, as it requires maximum effort in terms of time and other resources, including money.
The next step is to test distributed storage based on IPFS-compatible and similar technologies. At the moment, Filecoin, Swarm, Siacoin & Storj are being considered. Other options are also possible. In particular, there are issues to be solved: a) persistence of storage; b) the required level of data accessibility; c) security (encryption, etc.); d) the level of decentralization of the service itself. This includes a possible fork of the systems to achieve the necessary technical indicators.
Finally, patterns of avatar's behavior will be identified, which at the same time meets all requirements of Web 3.0 structure: a) open; b) anonymous; c) decentralized (based on the thesis "my keys - my data/money/etc.").
Once the MVPs have been built, it is possible to move on to testing other niches, areas, industries and markets. Here are some illustrative examples from the initial market analysis.
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