The following implementation phases have now been identified: A total period of 24 calendar months; General distribution stages: Marketing; Development; Business; Development is divided into 4 sub-teams.
Relatedness of the stages: Zero: Months 1 to 3 - team building; First: month 4 to month 9; Second: Month 10 to 18; Third: Month 19 to 20; Fourth: Months 21 to 24.
Let's briefly describe the stages other than stage zero, which is the initial CusDev and team selection and the development of standard smart contracts for IDO. Stage one includes: Implementation of the SSP DAO Veezy (DV) system; Implementation of DMP DAO Veezy system; Token issuance; NFT integration; Analytics integration with Unity.
The second stage includes: Integration of SSP DV into openRTB; Extension of SSP DV functionality (creation of a dAPP); Development of API in dAPP, but with data stored in Big Data Classic; Advertising within IoT is moving to dAPP; Development of a library for Unity/Unreal Engine within dAPP.
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