Additional growth factors

First of all, it should be noted why many projects have started to venture into the GameFi industry rather than the Metaverse advertising market in general: "Parabolic growth in NFT/Gaming financing. For the first time, NFT/Gaming deals were among the top fifteen deals. Prior to this year, no NFT/Gaming deal was in the top fifteen." And this despite the fact that the network effect within the NFTs segment has also increased: " the number of active wallets in the NFT market [has] increased dramatically. This year alone, the number of active wallets in the NFT market has increased by more than 600%... The total volume of NFTs traded in 2021 was $8.8 billion. 60% came from art and collectibles trading and the remaining 40% came from gaming NFTs." To date, the NFTs/Gaming vertical in the crypto sector ranks third in private funding, having received nearly $5.0 billion in venture capital funding in 406 deals. The average deal size for the vertical was $14.9m and the median deal size was $2.7m.

Yes, we agree that NFTs have the potential to provide content creators with new ways to monetise their work, often through social tokens, digital artwork, collectibles or in-game items. In addition, NFTs may seek to change the way other areas work, including ticketing, monetisation, music, domain names and fashion/expensive goods, but in the meantime, without aggregating the capabilities of the accumulated expertise in the online advertising segment, including - big data expertise as well as modern user interaction templates (see above) - this potential could exhaust itself too quickly: as it already did with NFT games in 2017 or with high-stakes sales of "digital art" items in 2021.

So let's use Messari's conclusion: "the user-owned economy will outperform the monopoly-owned economy in the long run".

But how will businesses cope with such volume? Veezy has the answer to this question. For that - let's turn to the architecture of the project.

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